How Apples Can Help Your Skin

That humble apple sitting in your fruit bowl will really improve the texture and health of your skin. You might find it hard to believe, but it’s completely true.  Apples are an enormous source of vitamins and minerals, packed with vital anti-oxidants, all designed to combat any attack on your skin.

So what’s in an apple?

  • Low-cal, approximately 75 depending on size
  • Anti-oxidants such as flavonoids and phenols. These ward off “free radicals” including sun damage, industrial fumes, smoke and other nasties in the atmosphere which break down skin’s elasticity and collagen
  • Vitamin C (9-10mg) which might sound low but because they have high anti-oxidant content actually this compares to approximately 1,500mg of Vitamin C –14% of the daily recommended amount for women, 11% for men
  • Vitamin A which is good for skin tissue regeneration
  • B Vitamins (B5 & B9) which are great for fighting acne
  • 60mcg copper which aids melanin production

Make one of your daily fruit portions an apple because not only will you boost your overall health your complexion will reap the rewards.

Natural Sunscreen

We’re not suggesting that you skimp on sunscreen or spend hours by the pool just because you can eat an apple but the copper content helps your body manufacture melanin.  Melanin is the skin’s way of protecting it from ultraviolet rays, and you need copper in your diet every day.  An apple gives you 7% of the recommended daily amount.


You’ve heard of retinol and lots of skincare brands use it as an anti-aging ingredient.  Apples contain Vitamin A Retinoid, albeit in small quantities, it’s good for the skin’s tissue development.  There is also a link between Vitamin A and cancer prevention but this is not 100% confirmed although an apple will do no harm at all.

It’s an Acne Fighter!

Acne can affect you at any time of life, from teenage zits to adult break-outs. The Vitamins B5 & B9 content both help to calm down irritation and inflammation – giving you a more radiant complexion.

Finally – before you bite into that gorgeously large, green apple in your fruit bowl, don’t be tempted to peel it because most of the Vitamin content lives in the apple peel itself. Get crunching!
