Restorative Autumn Walks

Autumn – it is the perfect time to be outdoors

The air is crisp, the leaves are changing and the scenery is just beautiful. The season creates the perfect scenario to get outside to get some exercise with a walk.

But even though Fall is my favorite season, sometimes I feel the need to begin hibernation-mode. As the weather is getting cooler and the days shorter, my motivation to get outside decreases. Thankfully, I have my gorgeous Golden Retriever Kode.  He needs exercise and walking so it forces me take a stroll at least twice a day.  I discovered that walking through the autumn woods is not just a physical exercise. Taking a walk in the fall also gives me time to think and relax from everyday stress.  Did you know that the burst of vibrant colors is like a color therapy session?   The amazing fall landscapes are full of restorative colors: orange – helps the nervous system, yellow brings joy, red gives energy, and gold evokes the feeling of wisdom.

Walks are good for you

Walking outdoors is a highly recommended method of physical activity as it can help reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, high blood pressure, osteoarthritis, obesity, diabetes, certain forms of cancer and Alzheimer’s. It is also a great way to boost serotonin levels, and been seen as a way to help fight and prevent depression.

Walking is one of those things that is great for everyone – no matter a person’s shape, size and ability, it is suitable for just about anyone. It is also a great first step for those that are just beginning their fitness journey, as it places low strain on the body and is an easy way to burn some calories.

So don’t put your hiking boots away just yet. Get outside and take in the leaves crunching beneath your feet, the red and gold hues on the trees and perfect cool air. Remember, the cold months are just around the corner and you will be dreaming of taking a beautiful walk while you are shoveling the driveway and clearing the snow off of the car.

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