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Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds

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Pumpkin seeds are the ultimate natural medicine and I try to incorporate them into my diet daily.  I eat them raw or add them to my smoothies and salads.  These are the reasons why:

They are amazing for your skin

Pumpkin seeds have a lot of minerals and oils – such as Omega-3 and Zinc – which keep skin healthier than ever and prevent you from premature aging and skin cancer.  While Omega-3 help to revitalize skin and restore lost fat, Zinc helps is stay free of acne.

They are also excellent for your hair

Pumpkin  seeds have so many minerals that improve the health of your scalp by eradicating different types fungus infection.

They improve the health of your inner organs

The minerals, vitamins and proteins pumpkin seeds bring to your body can upgrade the health of the liver, the heart and the brain. They also decrease the minerals and acids that form kidney stones.   Pumpkin seeds are great for men’s prostate health.   And they fight against malignant cells to prevent breast cancer in women.

They give you all the vitamins you need

We already mentioned Zinc and Omega-3, but they are not the only minerals pumpkin seeds offer.  Pumpkin seeds are also packed with Iron, Omega-6, vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin K and magnesium!

They control all your stats

Sugar level in blood, cholesterol and PH levels just to name the few!

And the antiviral and antimicrobial properties pumpkin seeds have boost your immune system, which is especially important during cold and flu season.

Pumpkin seeds are also credited with controlling insomnia, anxiety, and depression.   And they are amazing energy booster!


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