Add Roses to Your Summer Beauty Routine

It’s getting warmer (and drier) by the day, so its time to start adding in some summer-loving elements to your skincare routine. While there are endless over-the-counter products that promise to deliver the benefits ypu’re looking for, there is nothing quite as noticeably powerful (or as simple!) as adding a little bit of Rose to your daily routine for added moisture, brightness, nutrients, and some seriously skin-soothing benefits.

The anti-inflammatory benefits are real:

Roses are naturally soothing and can help reduce swelling, redness, eczema, rosacea, and even sunburn! So next time you feel yourself reaching for that bottle of aloe, you can step it up a notch by trying this quick and luxurious recipe!:

-1 part aloe vera gel
-1 part fresh rose petals
*blend the mixture in a food processor until frothy
*strain mixture into jar, and refrigerate.

Get a clear, radiant complexion:

Rose oil contains anti-bacterial properties that help prevent and treat problem skin before it starts. Bacteria growth increases over the warmer months, so adding rose oil this time of year can be incredibly beneficial to help your skin fight off free-radicals that could lead to nasty breakouts.

Powerhouse delivery of antioxidants and nutrients :

Roses contain more than 60 times as much Vitamin C as most citrus. Adding rose to your routine will not only give your skin a serious dose of nutrients, but will also help strengthen your skin cells and regenerate skin tissues.

Keep your skin moisturized all day long:

Rose oil has an incredibly moisturizing and brightening effect, even for the most sensitive skin! Adding rose to your nightly moisturizing routine will have your skin waking up fresh, radiant, and youthful.

Environmental Benefits:

When it comes to aromatherapy, you want to look for more than just an oil that smells lovely, but one whose vibrational frequency is high enough to really notice the cognitive benefits. Rose oil has a frequency of about 320 Mhz, making it one of the highest frequency essential oils on the market. So next time you feel like you could use a boost, try diffusing rose oil and allow it to raise your vibration, literally!

Long Sleeve Dress by Zimmerman

I dream all winter of our summers in the Hamptons- and it is finally here! Vacations that solely revolve around my family and friends are my favorite, and the Hamptons is my go-to place to achieve just that! With the great shopping, fascinating food, and breath taking views- it is almost impossible not to want to move here forever.

During our recent visit to the Hamptons my dear friend, who happens to be an amazing food blogger, hosted a casual outdoor dinner to celebrate the start of summer, and of course, enjoy this new weather.  By the way, if you like to cook and entertain, you absolutely must check her blog at  It provides full dinner menus, recipes & tips for hosting a perfect soiree at home!

I decided to wear this long sleeve dress by Zimmerman, and paired it with my favorite tan wedges. Since it is the summertime, the heat is not the only thing that I am worried about.  I made sure to splash on tons of sunblock under my dress for additional coverage. This dress covered most of my body, but it was also light and airy- just perfect for the summertime outdoor festivities.

Nothing says summer without some crazy sunglasses to pair with this maxi dress, and I chose to go with my favorite shades from Tom Ford.  These large sunglasses not only added a zest to my outfit, but also provided critical protection from the sun’s damaging ultraviolet (UV) rays.

What are your plans for the summer, and how are you planning to keep your skin protected, while looking amazing?




