The Connection Between Skin Health And Breathing

Everyone knows that when you can’t breathe, you can’t live for very long. This primordial understanding highlights one of the single most important ways we can look after ourselves and our skin: through breathing!

Here are 5 ways in which breathing deeply every day will improve your skin’s health!

More Oxygen

They say water and air is life and the reason for this is largely oxygen. Our bodies cannot function without oxygen. When we breathe in, oxygen saturates our bodies via the bloodstream, helping us to generate energy.

In each of our cells, we have little “cellular organs” called Mitochondria. These tiny organelles take oxygen and create ATP, which is what energy is inside out bodies. The energy is used everywhere, from allowing us to think to helping our bodies carry out all of it’s processes.

In this way when we breathe optimally, we are providing oxygen to help all our organs, including the skin. The skin is in fact a massive organ that serves to detox our systems as well as protect them.

Additional oxygen (and therefore energy) allows the skin to repair itself better and function at an optimal capacity. It also takes the load of detoxification off the skin by aiding the kidneys, liver and bladder to function more efficiently.

Improved Circulation

Breathing improves your blood circulation, allowing more oxygen to go where it needs to go. When blood is moving fluidly in the body, it also transports toxins and carries useful things (such as oxygen and antioxidants) to all cells in the body.

The bottom line? Improved circulation will allow your skin to get rid of impurities faster and to provide it with more oxygen and products it can use. This in turn allows it to have the energy and ingredients necessary to repair itself.

Reduced Stress

Deep breathing reduces your stress levels and that keeps your skin clean, fresh and youthful!

Our skin is an extension of our immune system. When we battle to detox or are fighting an infection, acne and other reactions are liable to break out. Stress increases any similar burden on our bodies by unleashing free radical cascades, which cause harm and prevent the mitochondria from working as efficiently.

When the mitochondria are functioning at their optimal capacity[1], they absorb free radicals (aka loose oxygen particles) and convert them into beneficial ATP, or energy. This is why the act of breathing deeply is so calming, it literally brings stress back into balance! This will clear your skin and keep it looking radiant.

Increased Longevity

Oh yes, breathing better lengthens the amount of time you have left to live!

Inhaling optimal amounts of oxygen promotes an increased lifespan of the cells in your body. This is another benefit of protecting the mitochondria, as mitochondrial DNA plays a large role in regulating both cell lifespan and cell death (apoptosis).

That means healthy mitochondria keep your cells alive for longer – It’s that simple. What’s even more exciting is that scientists are beginning to think that mitochondrial DNA mutation is a possible underlying cause for aging[2] [3]!

Cell longevity also applies to the cells in your skin. In other words, breathing deeply will allow your skin cells to last longer.

Immune Improvement

Breathing more and oxygenating yourself improves how your immune system functions by improving detox and giving the immune system more energy.

Increased oxygen levels can do more than that though! The majority of harmful bacteria that make us sick is often ‘anaerobic,’ meaning that they don’t survive in oxygen! Breathing deeper daily contributes to keeping your body clear of many infections, and enables it to have the resources necessary to defend against them too.

How To Breathe More

The average person spends a lot of time holding in their breath or they breathe in very shallow regions of their lungs. Essentially one should practice inhaling air while expanding their tummies and the vice versa while exhaling. This ensures that you are getting in as much oxygen as possible.






All You Need To Know About Glutathione

Since 1889, Glutathione (GSH) has been known to medical scientists everywhere as a master antioxidant. You can find it in virtually all your body’s cells without exception. If the body was like a country, GSH would be a prime minister of both health and defense!

It plays a strong role in governing our immune systems, manufacturing genes and proteins, and without it, the body would struggle to detox anything.

Having low levels of GSH in your body correlates directly to aging, as well as many chronic conditions like cancer, AIDS, arthritis, sleep disorders, neurological disorders and auto-immune diseases.


7 Health Benefits Of Glutathione

Here are 7 quick anti-aging benefits of Glutathione to give you a good idea of why you need it!

Protects Against Oxidative Stress

Glutathione rapidly reduces free radicals in the body, which helps to protect against all forms of disease and organ damage.

Helps To Fights Cancer

Glutathione protects all our cells as well as our DNA from the effects of free radicals, which promotes cancer growth. GSH also binds to carcinogens and many other toxins, rendering them harmless until they can be removed!

Moreover, GSH repairs our DNA and helps to produce more of it. This aids in preventing cancer by making sure the genes don’t mutate and express cancer cell lines.

Strengthens Your Immune System

GSH regulates cell replication, including immune cells like lymphocytes. Glutathione deficiency is also linked to immune impairment, as is found in many chronic illnesses.

Regenerates Tissues

Glutathione actually regenerates tissue wherever there is damage. That means it protects all your organs, including your heart, your brain, your guts – everything!

It is found in particularly high quantities in the liver, which uses it to create Glutathione Peroxidase and to flush out toxins.

Protects Against UV Radiation

This potent compound proved to be highly effective at protecting against all forms of UV radiation. In combination with GSH’s tissue repair properties, it also maintains gorgeously radiant skin!

Prevents Bacterial Growth

High levels of this stuff in your body creates an environment that bacteria do not like. GSH is involved in making sure your mitochondria function optimally too, which in turn increases your body’s available oxygen supply. Most bacteria hate oxygen!

Delays Rapid Aging

Each year that we age, we lose GSH. Many researchers believe that one can predict lifespan judging from the amount of GSH we have left in our systems.

In the bodies of those that lived over 100 years old, much higher GSH levels were discovered. This makes sense, seeing as GSH is actively involved in processes related to cell longevity and lifespan.

How to Boost GSH Levels In The Body

If you fancy a quick tongue twister, the scientific name for GSH is L-gamma-glutamyl-L-cysteinyl-glycine!

This tedious name actually highlights the three amino acids GSH is made from: Glutamic Acid, Cysteine and Glycine. Increasing these amino acids in your diet will help you to improve upon your Glutathione levels.

Unfortunately, the liver greedily uses up all dietary GSH as soon as it comes into contact with it. This is why it is better to encourage the body to make it’s own GSH by eating foods rich in the above building blocks.

Foods that boost GSH include:

  • Chia Seeds
  • Milk Thistle
  • Cruciferous Vegetables
  • Whey Protein
  • Beef Liver
  • Sprouts
  • Wild Rice

Supplementing on the nutrients Vitamin E, C, Selenium, R-Alpha Lipoic Acid and B Vitamins will help to conserve GSH levels in the body. NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) is a readily available supplement that breaks down into cysteine, creating as well as preserving GSH levels.

Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are the ultimate natural medicine and I try to incorporate them into my diet daily.  I eat them raw or add them to my smoothies and salads.  These are the reasons why:

They are amazing for your skin

Pumpkin seeds have a lot of minerals and oils – such as Omega-3 and Zinc – which keep skin healthier than ever and prevent you from premature aging and skin cancer.  While Omega-3 help to revitalize skin and restore lost fat, Zinc helps is stay free of acne.

They are also excellent for your hair

Pumpkin  seeds have so many minerals that improve the health of your scalp by eradicating different types fungus infection.

They improve the health of your inner organs

The minerals, vitamins and proteins pumpkin seeds bring to your body can upgrade the health of the liver, the heart and the brain. They also decrease the minerals and acids that form kidney stones.   Pumpkin seeds are great for men’s prostate health.   And they fight against malignant cells to prevent breast cancer in women.

They give you all the vitamins you need

We already mentioned Zinc and Omega-3, but they are not the only minerals pumpkin seeds offer.  Pumpkin seeds are also packed with Iron, Omega-6, vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin K and magnesium!

They control all your stats

Sugar level in blood, cholesterol and PH levels just to name the few!

And the antiviral and antimicrobial properties pumpkin seeds have boost your immune system, which is especially important during cold and flu season.

Pumpkin seeds are also credited with controlling insomnia, anxiety, and depression.   And they are amazing energy booster!


Three Things to Keep You from Damaging Your Skin While Using the Computer

According to a recent survey conducted by dermatologists during the yearly event for the Facial Aesthetic Conference and Exhibition, the HEV or High Energy Visible light produced from our Smartphones, computer screens, smart devices, and tablets can cause damage to our skin and lead our skin to age quicker.  These news are terrible for someone like me!   Not only do I work in front of the computer, I also spend a lot of my time on my phone.  So, I have been looking for ways to reduce these side effects of modern life.  Here are the few adjustments I began to incorporate into my daily routine to limit the effect of technology in my life:

Applying an all-inclusive antioxidant

The HEV light that is emitted from the phone or computer glare has a negative effect on the skin cells’ DNA.  As a result it accelerates skin aging. However, the broad-spectrum antioxidant can block the high energy visible light from penetrating our skin.   In addition to protecting your skin from the ill effects of technology, topical antioxidants also prevent damages from free radicals.  There are many antioxidant-rich skincare products on the market to help to protect us from skin damage.  I use Phloretin CF from SkinCeuticals during the day, and Antioxidant Face Cream from The Organic Pharmacy at night.

Regenerating damaged skin with the help of copper peptides and antioxidant supplements

Copper peptides are very useful in healing damaged skin.  These peptides can be incorporated into your skin care routine to increase collagen production and reverse computer exposure side effects. Read more here . Whenever I spend too much time in front of my computer, I use VivierSkin C E Peptides, an antioxidant-rich rejuvenating treatment that repairs and prevents the visible signs of premature aging.  In addition, you can take nutritional antioxidant supplements on a regular basis to give you even more protection. There are specific products that support skin, fight free radicals in the body and may even reduce damage to nerves, muscle, and tissue.  I take Coenzyme Q10, Vitamin C, and Selenium daily.  I also try to incorporate green tea and dark chocolate into my diet.

Limiting your usage on your phone and computer

The electromagnetic radiation produced from out smartphones, tablets, and computer screens can splinter a single or a couple of strands of DNA that can cause the skin to damage. The recurring exposure to these high energy waves will make the skin damage worse.  Although we can reduce these negative impacts on our health with above measures, the best way is to limit how much screen time you have each day. Setting screen time limits, creating a screen free bedroom and not eating in front of the screen have been helpful adjustments in my life.  And  how do you reduce your smartphone use?  Please share!


Green Tea: Antioxidant Powerhouse in a Cup

Green tea may be the closest thing to a magic potion that you can get. Its polyphenols and nutrients help to protect our heart, lower stress levels and cleanse our body of toxins. What’s more, it can also be the missing link to help you get the flawless skin you so crave. Here are just a few of the reported benefits of drinking tea for your skin.

Improves skin complexion

By flushing out toxins in your body, green tea not only benefits your internal organs but your skin too. Toxins in your skin can cause the cells to malfunction and even die, leading to a loss of elasticity, blemishes and even wrinkles. By ridding your skin of toxins and harmful chemicals, green tea keeps your skin cells functioning correctly and looking their best.

Sun protection

The polyphenols in green tea are powerful antioxidants that help to undo the damage caused by free radicals, harmful chemicals created by sun exposure. According to one study, just two cups of green tea a day is enough to reduce the inflammation and redness caused by sun exposure.

Reduce puffy eyes

We all experience tired, puffy looking eyes when we haven’t been getting enough sleep. And if you’re as busy as me, getting in an afternoon power nap is out of the question. Instead, place green tea bags that have been soaked in cool water over your eyes for five minutes. The polyphenols and tannins found in green tea shrink the blood vessels in the area, reducing the inflammation and swelling.

Treats acne

As with the remedy for puffy eyes, it’s not just through drinking green tea we can get its benefits, but applying it topically to our skin can also reduce the appearance of acne and blackheads too. Green tea’s antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties all come together synergistically, with studies reporting an over 50% reduction in the appearance of acne and pimples after topical application.

Green tea has also shown benefits as an exfoliator and for hair growth. So what are you waiting for, get down to your nearest health food store and pick some up today!

Most Important Medicine for Your Skin

I won’t win any prizes by telling you that water is incredibly important to our health and wellbeing.  I mean, we certainly don’t drink it for the taste! However, as well as playing an integral part in digestion, blood circulation, absorption and excretion, it is also vital to keeping your skin looking its best.

Our skin cells need water just like every other cell in our body. Water enables our skin cells to function properly by delivering much-needed nutrients and providing a vehicle for chemical reactions to take place. Without water our skin cells couldn’t function and the results would impact on the health and appearance of our skin.

Here are some of the benefits of water for our skin:


If you don’t drink enough water, your body will start taking the water from your skin cells to ensure your other organs and blood have what they need to function. This will leave your skin looking dry, flaky and more prone to wrinkles. Keep well hydrated to ensure your body has all the water it needs and your skin cells remain plump and hydrated. Water in your skin also increases its elasticity.  Elasticity is one of the key characteristics of more youthful skin and makes it less prone to wrinkling.


Short exposure to cold water can have a relaxing effect on the skin and reduce stress levels. Stress is a major contributing factor to dull, tired looking skin. Take a cold shower to keep your stress levels down.

Skin conditions

Drinking water and locking moisture into your skin with creams is a great way to manage skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema, which are exacerbated by dry, damaged skin cells. Applying cold water to your skin also closes your pores. This reduces the chances of them becoming clogged by oil and dirt, which can lead to acne outbreaks.


Water transports anti-oxidants and other nutrients into your skin to fight off and repair the damage caused by free-radicals and other harmful chemicals. Free-radicals are formed through sun exposure and can damage skin cells leading to sunspots, wrinkles and blemishes.

Water also helps to flush out harmful toxins from skin cells just as it does across your whole body, including the circulatory and digestive systems. Ridding your body of such toxins is important to maintain optimum skin health.

Reduce inflammation

Cold water also reduces redness in the skin by inhibiting blood circulation close to the skin’s surface. Cold-water compresses can also be used to reduce under-eye inflammation and puffiness.

How to get water into your skin

You should try and drink between 6-8 glasses of water a day to ensure your body is getting all that it needs. Remember, if your body is short of water, it will be your skin that suffers first.

Lock in moisture directly by applying moisturizers to your skin after you shower or bathe. Creams with hyaluronic acid are also very good as they absorb a lot more water than traditional moisturizers. Here is my favorite Hyaluronic Acid Serum.

Prepare Your Skin For Spring Break and Sun Exposure

Spring break is right around the corner, and I find it to be a great time for family bonding. For me, I plan to take everyone on a trip to the Caribbean for some much-needed rest and relaxation. Just like the majority of us, it’s been a long time since my skin has had much sun, and it’s looking a little pale, dehydrated and feeling sensitive. For most of us, our skin is not prepared at all to handle a sudden burst of heat, ocean water and UV light.

If you’re in the same boat as me, don’t panic. I’ve done a some digging around and found the following tips to help prepare your skin for a vacation to a summer destination.


About a month before your departure, add extra vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium and lycopene to your diet. I prefer to get my vitamins naturally from foods. Also, I add or increase my intake of carrots, sweet potatoes, avocados, Shiitake mushrooms, watercress, salmon, kale, cherries, broccoli, eggs, turmeric, green tea, raspberries and Brazil nuts. I try to avoid excess protein and take extra astaxanthin supplements.

Astaxanthin, if you don’t already know, is a powerful antioxidant found in seafood and shellfish. It’s actually the pigment responsible for turning salmon and crabs pink. When digested, it’s proven to help boost skin moisture and fight against skin wrinkles, spots and freckles. I definitely recommend it to everyone I meet, you can even get it from specially developed chocolate, what’s not to love! I’ve also eliminated processed flours, sugars and trans-fats from my diet until I return from vacation.

Read more about Astaxanthin here

Adjust your skincare routine:

 – Start using a vitamin C product

Vitamin C is essential to the formation of collagen, the natural protein that keeps the skin looking young and hydrated. It also contains loads of antioxidants that help repair sun damage, reduce sunburn caused by exposure to ultraviolet B radiation and prevent the consequences of long-term sun exposure that leads to wrinkles, fine lines and uneven skin tone.

 – Switch to a non-alcohol based facial toner

Alcohol-based toners dry your skin, creating more problems for your skin in the long run. Make the switch today and you’ll never want to go back.

 – Start using a lighter moisturizer

In the winter months your skin takes a beating from the weather and needs the extra attention from a thicker moisturizer. However, the last thing you need on hot, sunny days is a thick moisturizer clogging up your pores and adding extra shine to your skin. Switch to a lighter, oil-free moisturizer that keeps your skin hydrated while letting it breathe.

 – Stay away from vitamin A

Skin products that many of use may contain vitamin A, also known as retinoids. These can create a number of negative side-effects for our skin, such as sun sensitivity, peeling, and skin redness. Not what you want to use before a trip to sunnier climates.

Other measures:

Besides staying well-hydrated, the most obvious but perhaps most often neglected is stocking up on sunscreen. I cannot stress how important it is to wear sunscreen all year long. It’s probably the best way to ensure your skin is looking good for the summer months when you want to spend more time outdoors.

The Benefits Of Massage

Feeling stressed? Maybe it’s time to treat yourself to a massage. They really can work wonders!  Massages relieve stress, reduce anxiety, promote relaxation and can even help you sleep better. And that’s not all…

What makes massages so great? Well, they have a whole range of health benefits – both physical and mental. Massages can be used to manage pain, help heal injuries, speed up recovery, and promote overall wellness.

I’m most definitely a fan of massage and a great believer in taking time out to look after yourself.   I found that a regular massage does my body and mind the world of good.

It Helps You Feel Good

Massage has numerous physical and mental benefits.  Research shows it can lower your heart rate and blood pressure, relax your muscles and increase the production of endorphins. Both serotonin and dopamine are released through massage. That’s why you feel so calm by the time you’re done. Through physical touch, massages produce feelings of caring, comfort and connection too.  I try to indulge in the aromatherapy massage regularly because how wonderful I feel afterwards.  It leaves me relaxed, refreshed and revived!

It’s Good For Recovery & Stress Busting

You might think that massage is just used for sore muscles and aching joints but actually massage is wonderful for a number of different ailments.  Yes, many years ago massage was purely used in alternative medicine but nowadays it is regular practice in the medical world and certainly, many medical procedures involve massage for full recovery.  This is because massage is especially efficient for loosening muscles, alleviating pain and it’s also a superb stress-buster.  It’s especially calming and helpful in reducing stress levels, bringing a feeling of relaxation.   For those who suffer with insomnia, a regular massage can  help to induce sleep in the right circumstances.

Massages also have a number of health benefits for athletes and people who exercise regularly

Massage can increase range of motion and flexibility, decrease muscle stiffness and soreness after exercise and even help prevent injuries. Just make sure to give yourself a few rest days before getting one. It’s important to make sure you don’t have any lingering aches, pains or serious injuries first.

If you work at a desk, getting a massage is a great way to relieve postural stress and counteract imbalances caused by sitting. They can help manage lower back pain and relieve tension in the neck and shoulders.  Studies show that massages can decrease the frequency and severity of tension headaches too.  Headache sufferers often report a dramatic reduction in attacks.

It’s Wonderful For Your Skin

A very good facialist will usually massage the skin, neck and shoulders during a treatment.  This is because massage is well-known for boosting a flagging complexion.  It’s excellent for circulation too, stimulating nerve endings and pumping blood around the body.  This helps your body to rid itself of toxins and impurities.  As well as luxurious moisturisers and serums, facial massage is one of the reasons why your skin glows with good health after a session.  My skin definitely looks plumper and firmer after facial massage!  If you’re looking for a natural way to beat lines and wrinkles, I can’t recommend facial massage enough.   It slows down the aging process, prevents pigmentation and halts sun damage.

It’s A Fat-Buster

Believe it or not, some massages are especially designed for digestive problems, they reduce bloating and swelling. When an experienced masseuse applies pressure to your body, it creates a gentle heat.  This heat speeds up the breakdown of fat and helps you to digest food better hence the belief that it’s good for digestive disorders.  Of course, when a masseuse uses pressure on specific areas this helps them to stretch out muscles gently and increases flexibility.  I believe that regular massage gives my muscles better definition,  and  help reduce body fat.

It’s Good For Overall Body Health

You may have heard of lymphatic drainage and for you to feel healthy your lymph system needs to work efficiently.  When we are run down or feeling tired, our lymphatic system doesn’t work as well as it should.   This is why we experience lethargy.  The lymphatic system is essential in ridding the body of waste.  When it doesn’t work properly, our tissues swell up with waste, affecting our immune system and making us more susceptible to mild illnesses.  A good lymphatic masseuse will stimulate the system to operate effectively by applying gentle pressure on specific areas.  When I  feel low on energy or have recently suffered from illness or just need a wellbeing boost this type of massage is my favorite!


Massage today is becoming so popular that you can enjoy it almost anywhere you go!  I remember being at the airport recently and noting that massage therapists were available before flight and even in-flight!  For me there’s no excuse to avoid it, it’s just a matter of building it into my schedule.  The positive mental and physical benefits are enormous – I’d love to know what you think?

My Favorite Products

benefits of massage


Kaftan Tunic Dress

Kaftan tunic dresses offer easy and fashionable sun protection.   While I am very conscious about sun damage and seek shade between 10 am and 4 pm, I refuse to be afraid of the sun!  The last 30-40 minutes before sunset have the lowest UV index, yet still provide the warmth and soft sun light.

During this time frame I like to take long barefoot walks on the beach, to indulge the salty air and to expose my face to the smooth ocean breeze.  I am convinced that these walks increase my overall energy and give me peace, calmness and clarity.

I found this maxi beach kaftan with long sleeves from Calypso to provide good coverage without making me look and feel gigantic. I just throw it on and go.  It  also looks chic, so after the sun sets I can move to a local cafe for a cool ice cream or a cool cocktail.






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Wage A War Against Skin Damage With Peaches

There’s a reason we have a saying “peaches and cream complexion”, firstly, those blessed with smooth and creamy skin with a little rosiness in their cheeks are seen to be beautiful.  There is another reason though and it’s because peaches are one of nature’s natural antidotes.  Adding a peach to your daily diet will go a long way to combat sun damage and help to restore your skin’s natural glow, without any chemicals in sight. As well as that, it will help you with your overall general health.  So next time you are at your grocery store add a few gorgeous peaches to your shopping basket then whenever  you feel like something sweet and succulent – enjoy one, you’ll savor its delicious flavor and your skin and body will thank you.

Peaches and Skin Health

Peaches are full of nutrients which are kind to your skin.  As far as your skin is concerned, every day it is under attack, from free radicals, this means the sun, petrol fumes, industrial fumes, other people’s smoke and more.  Your skin needs natural antioxidants to fight against these free radicals and a juicy peach is just one of the things you can add to your diet to enable your skin with the weapons it needs.

A peach contains vitamins A and C as well as selenium.  Vitamin A is vital because it helps to renew skin cells, stimulating them to repair and vitamin C is incredibly important to combat skin aging.  Used in lotions, moisturisers and serums this vitamin targets wrinkles and fine lines, plumping and hydrating.  Consuming vitamin C in fruit especially peaches will help to boost your skin’s resistance to aging.  Even more importantly, collagen is formed using vitamin C so make sure you’re consuming enough.

It’s not just vitamins in peaches which fight the harmful battle with the sun’s rays; other nutrients in peaches include vitamin K, beta carotene, magnesium and potassium which are excellent at building protection against ultra violet rays.

As well as eating peaches, you can also rub the fleshy area on the underneath of your eyes because actually peaches are great for reducing dark shadows. So if you’ve had a late night and you feel your skin isn’t looking its best, split a peach in two, eat one half and rub the other under your eyes gently.  Rinse off with cold water, pat dry and apply your moisturisers as normal – you’ll look bright eyed in minutes.

Peaches also help to improve skin texture, softening it while gently firming and improving elasticity too.  It’s no coincidence you find lots of skincare with peach extract such as facial scrubs, face masks, cleaners and toners. It’s because peaches are known for their ability to tighten pores and refresh skin.

Peaches and Cancer

We now know how good peaches are for anti-aging but they have another huge health benefit too.  Peaches are so rich in antioxidants it’s believed they could help to discourage cancerous melanomas.  Studies show that peaches can help the body’s protection against other cancers such as lung, colon and oral and the phenolic acids, lycopene and lutein inside peaches indicate the ability to halt breast cancer from growing.  Additionally, if you are concerned about heart disease a peach is an excellent preventative because of these aforementioned ingredients which work hard to aid heart health.

Peaches and Eye Health

While peaches are well-known to be a good source of vitamins and help to boost a flagging complexion – they have other huge benefits too.  They are excellent for ocular health especially in slowing macular degeneration which is usually age-related.  Just three servings a day could help to give ailing vision a much-needed boost and this is because of the high beta carotene content.

Peaches and Stress

If you feel you are under stress, cut up a peach and enjoy its juicy, sweet taste.  You might find yourself relaxing immediately and this is because it contains fiber and potassium, known to reduce the risk of stomach ulcers which can occur in those who suffer with regular stress.  If you think you might be susceptible to ulcers, try a peach a day and keep that ulcer away.  You don’t need to worry about the calories either because just one regular size peach contains approximately 40 calories and no fat – just good all that good fiber mentioned, meaning they are excellent for digestive health.

So, along with your SPF 50, a great looking hat and some fabulous sun sensible clothing add a peach a day to your diet for overall body health and you’ll further benefit by having glowing skin too, the essence of a peaches and cream complexion.